Branded content is a valuable tool for both advertisers and publishers. For advertisers, it provides a unique way to connect with desired audiences. For publishers, it can be used to monetize social media and fund great journalism. And data plays an important role in pre-sales, execution, and reporting ROI to advertisers. In this session, Nick Cicero, VP of Strategy at Conviva, and Julia Campbell, General Manager at the Branded Content Project, discuss how publishers can leverage data to build a successful monetization strategy.
Nick and Julia will discuss:
- The best practices and approaches to branded content
- How to increase social engagement and attract and retain advertisers
- Real-world examples of using data to increase value through social media
- Emerging trends and the future of branded content

Nick Cicero
Vice President, Conviva

Julia Campbell
General Manager, The Branded Content Project
campbelljulia • Visit Website