Jareen Imam is the Director of Social Newsgathering at NBC News. She leads a global team of journalists who find, verify and report on news stories using social forensic techniques and open source intelligence tools. Prior to joining NBC, Imam was the Head of Social at CBS News, leading a team of producers who created videos, wrote articles, and programmed content across digital platforms. Before moving to New York, Imam was a producer for CNN in Atlanta. In 2020, she was named one of IWMF's Lauren Brown fellows. In 2019, Imam was selected as one of Take the Lead's "50 women who can change journalism" fellow and IWMF's Gwen Ifill fellow. In 2018, Imam was inducted into Poynter's Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media. She's the recipient of several media awards including the Murrow award, the Peabody award, the SPJ award, and more. Imam is a graduate of Emory University where she majored in English, journalism, and creative writing.
Website: https://jareenimam.com/
- Friday, Jun 25 - Fighting Erasure: Adding Female Journalists into Wikipedia from ONA21
- Wednesday, Jun 23 - Managers and Employers: Best Practices for Supporting Reporters Facing Online Abuse from ONA21