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Lorie Hearn is CEO and Editor of inewsource, an investigative nonprofit based in San Diego, CA. She is a life-long news-aholic and truth seeker. Her passion is investigative, accountability journalism, the type that holds powerful people to answer to the public. Lorie founded inewsource in 2009, after decades of reporting and editing in newspapers on both coasts. inewsource has won scores of awards locally and nationally and was nominated for a national Emmy. Lorie retired from The San Diego Union-Tribune, where she had been a reporter, Metro Editor and finally the senior editor for Metro and Watchdog Journalism. Reporters and editors on her staff were part of the Pulitzer Prize-winning stories that exposed Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham and led to his imprisonment for taking bribes from government contractors. A graduate of the University of Delaware, Lorie was a Nieman Foundation fellow at Harvard University in 1994-95.
- Tuesday, Jun 22 - DEI as a Key Ingredient for Sustainable Growth from ONA21
- Monday, Jun 21 - [Career Day] Leading a Newsroom with Trust at the Center from ONA21