Reinvigorate the local news economy with News Break [Sponsored]

News Break delivers local news and information by intelligently connecting trusted publishers with our 45 million monthly active news readers across the U.S.

Many local areas remain underserved or not served by traditional news outlets. Since 2004, the U.S. has lost more than 2,100 of its newspapers, including 70 dailies and more than 2,000 weeklies and non-dailies, according to a study by the University of North Carolina’s Hussman School of Journalism & Media. Many communities impacted by the loss of credible local media are among the most vulnerable, disenfranchised and under-represented. Social media platforms help fill the gap, with one in five Americans saying that’s how they get their news per a 2018 Pew Research study. But we don’t need to look far to see the impact of this paradigm shift.

We aren’t willing to let local news disappear. It’s too vital. We believe local news fosters community and commonality. Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum, we can all rally behind school district improvements, get excited for a great new taco stand or bond over a neighborhood hidden gem.

That’s where you come in. Whether you are an independent journalist, a food blogger, an aspiring writer, or just passionate about local news and events, we want to work with you. We supply the readers, you supply the content.

Late last year, News Break soft-launched its Creator Program to give journalists and writers a publishing platform founded on three principles:

  1. Provide distribution for talented writers and videographers that otherwise may not have the means to reach a large audience
  2. Build and nurture these creators by providing resources, continued learning experiences and other opportunities to connect and grow with each other
  3. Compensate these valued contributors equitably.

We’ve tested, refined, tested some more, and now with over 1,000 contributors on our platform whose content is served alongside outlets such as CNN, Fox News, CBS News and Politico, we are hanging our proverbial shingle. We are investing millions to irrigate the news deserts and give talented local experts a platform to make an impact in their communities.   Small stories can make a big difference.

We welcome you to visit us on the Midway via the Grip networking platform. Send us a note or schedule a chat with our team members throughout ONA21. You can also visit for more information or email to schedule a zoom. We look forward to hearing from you!